visualization / modeling

Lisa Snyder (discusses the growing availability of Virtual Reality technology and its potential or use within the digital humanities. VR can refer to a wide range of technologies but generally allows users to explore 3D models of various spaces or objects. It seems that VR technology could be particularly useful in modeling architecture or 3-Dimensional… Continue reading visualization / modeling

network analysis

“Networks, Maps, and Time: Visualizing Historical Networks Using Palladio” by Melanie Conroy discusses the use of Palladio, a data tool that allows you to filter, produce diagrams, and display data spatially.  The article highlights how data visualization can be tricky within humanities scholarship because it requires knowledge of both visualization principles and mathematics. This can… Continue reading network analysis

spatial history – mapping time

“Mina Loy: Navigating the Avant-Garde” is a collaborative digital project created by researchers from Davidson College, Duquesne, and the University of Georgia. One of my main takeaways from their article published in “Visualizing Objects, Places, and Spaces: A Digital Project Handbook” is how large an undertaking a project like this can become. This project took… Continue reading spatial history – mapping time

data visualization

The difference between Lev Manovich’s “Data Science and Digital Art History” and Nathan Yau’s “Representing Data,” provides an interesting point for comparison.  Yau’s chapter gives widespread insights into the best practices for visualizing all types of data. Manovich explores concepts of data science that are specifically relevant to digital art history.  Both authors deal with… Continue reading data visualization


Matthew Battles and Michael Maizels reveal that our empirical understanding of art history is a relatively recent phenomenon. They discuss the medium of photography as inseparable from this empirical transformation within the discipline. The invention of photography allowed art historians to compare objects with others and share these comparisons with readers. Since the invention of… Continue reading data

spatial visualizations and mapping

Pamela Fletcher and Anne Helmreich write on their creation Local/Global: Mapping Nineteenth-Century London’s Art Market:  Applying the innovations of the digital age has been the primary focus of the digital humanities, which can be divided into four broad categories: text analysis, spatial analysis, network analysis, and image analysis. Our project combines spatial analysis, specifically historical… Continue reading spatial visualizations and mapping

digital exhibition

beyond the static image

In Linda Shopes’ Making Sense of Oral History, she discusses oral history in the digital age – definitions, best practices, and questions we should be asking about oral history.  Shopes’ working definition of Oral History:  “…a self-conscious, disciplined conversation between two people about some aspect of the past considered by them to be of historical… Continue reading beyond the static image